This article will explain some of the basic features available in the Applied Business Solutions employee portal, including Time & PTO, Pay, Benefits, Personal Information and Taxes. Attached to this article is a pdf guide which is available to download. Please note that your features may vary from the ones demonstrated in this article.
How to Navigate
Once logged into the employee portal, there will be a vertical menu on the left-hand side of the screen. This menu contains all of the employee portal’s primary functions. Some menu items have an arrow next to their name. Clicking these will open a sub-menu containing additional features.
Time Entry – If you use our time clock system, you have the ability to clock in using time entry. When clocking in for the day, simply click clock in. The same applies if you’re going on break, returning from break or clocking out for the day.
Paid Time Off – In order to request time off, simply click the time off button. You may then select the PTO you’d like to take along with the start date and the end date. Once finished, click submit and your request will be sent to your manager for approval.
Pay – The Pay tab allows you to view your paystubs, see your current PTO balances, view your payroll summary or the breakdown of your pay, and update your direct deposit information if necessary. Employees can view their pay history including Gross Pay, Net Pay, Taxes withheld and benefit deductions. This is also where an employee may make Payroll Inquires or setup their Direct Deposit options. To update your direct deposit, simply click add account to enter your updated information and save your changes when you’re done.
Benefits – The Benefits tab will provide you with a summary of all elected benefits you are currently enrolled in as well as their effective dates and total monthly premiums. There may be additional tabs such as FSA, Retirement Summary and Dependents/Beneficiaries if applicable. You can update any dependent information or add dependents if you necessary.
Personal – All personal information about the employee documented by their employer for insurance, underwriting and emergency purposes. This information includes contact info, birthday, marital status, disabilities, drivers license, company vehicles issued, veteran status, and emergency contacts.
Documents – The Documents tab houses important employer related documents such as your employee handbook. Also, if your company posts any employer events, they will be displayed in the Events tab.
Taxes – Employees can view their Tax Withholding’s as well as access and update their W2s and W4s and other important tax forms.
Retirement – If your company offers NestEgg’s 401(k), you can click on the NestEggs tab to be taken directly to their login portal, which is where you can view or make changes to your NestEggs 401(k) account.
Finally, if you need to reach out to a member of our support team just click the applied support submission ticket. Our team will be notified immediately of your support request. Also, if you would like to update the password on your account simply click on your name in the upper right hand corner, select account settings and you will be directed to a page where you can update your account’s password.