
Employee Onboarding Tutorial

This article will explain how to complete your employee onboarding using the Prism-HR employee portal. If you are also enrolling in benefits; check out our Benefits Enrollment Tutorial.

Getting Started

You should receive an email which contains an Easy Upload link to securely submit your I-9 documentation to Applied Business Solutions. Once your I-9 documents have been uploaded, click on the Get Started link to access the Employee Portal.

Click Register at the bottom of the PrismHR login screen. Please enter your last name, social security number, and personal email and then choose a username and password for your account. When you’re finished, click on Register. Now log into the PrismHR portal using your newly created username and password.

Electronic Consent Form

On the left side of the screen, you will see a navigation menu showing your progress through the onboarding workflow. The first page contains the Electronic Consent form, which confirms your agreement to process all required documentation electronically through the workflow. Once you’ve finished reading the terms and conditions, please type your name in the box below and click Accept to proceed to the next page.

Employee I-9 Form

In this section we will begin filling out the Employee I-9 form; click Next to continue. Please enter the requested information including your name, address, birthday, social security number, email address, and phone number. Select and confirm your citizenship status by clicking the checkbox provided. Also, please declare whether you are using a preparer or translator when completing the I-9 Section 1. When you are finished, click Next to continue. You will have the option to download a copy your completed I-9 form by clicking the Download button. If all information is accurate, click Submit and Continue.

Employee Information & Emergency Contact

You will now need to confirm some personal information; notice some information is imported from your I-9 Section 1 from the previous page. Please include any missing fields, such as cell phone number or personal email. If your residential address is correct, click Next to continue. If you need to declare a different mailing address, uncheck the box and enter the correct address information.

We require that employees add an emergency contact to your account. Please fill out your contact’s name, phone number and your relationship, such as spouse. You may add more than one emergency contact or edit a pre-existing contact if needed.

Finally, please verify whether or not you are a veteran, as well as whether there are any past or current disabilities you’d like to disclose. You may read our anti-discrimination policy and select the race/ethnicity that you most accurately identify with. You may also select two or more races or decline to state.

Setting Up Direct Deposit

If you would like to setup a direct deposit account, click on Setup Direct Deposit and then select Add Account. From here, select either Checking or Savings and enter your routing and account numbers in the designated fields. You will also need to declare your deposit method, for example 100% on one account. If necessary, you may also split direct deposit percentages across multiple accounts.

If you choose to decline to setup a direct deposit, click the checkbox “I acknowledge that I have selected No Direct Deposit” and click Yes on the confirmation window.

Tax Form Questions

In order to accurately generate your tax forms, you will need to answer a few simple questions. Select the answers that best match your criteria; your tax forms will be auto-generated based on your answers. You can use the back button if you need to make any corrections. These questions may include items such as US resident, marital status, other sources of income, claimed dependents, additional withholdings.

Once finished, the system will automatically generate your W-4 tax forms. Please checkmark the box declaring that all information is correct and true. You will also have the option to Download your tax forms before continuing.

Final Review

Before you complete your employee onboarding, you have the option to go back and review all of your documents. When you are ready, continue onto the final page and checkmark the box to acknowledge that all forms are completed and ready for submission. When you’re ready, click Submit.

Congratulations, your Onboarding is now complete!

Need Support?

If you have additional questions, please contact our support team at support@hrdelivered.com.

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Our wellness plan compliments your existing health insurance or works as a standalone minimal essential coverage plan. Get easy, affordable access to basic healthcare services with little to no cost. Learn more today!

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